Monday, January 24, 2011

Librarians look inot the eyes of some one who has arrived !!!!!

Librarians, look into the eyes of some one who has arrived……. ; January 24, 2011
"Live with people who are blissful, so that you can have a little whiff, a taste.  You will have to live in satsang.  You will have to look into the eyes of some one who has arrived.  So that you can have a little taste – little sweetness enters into your being, and you can see.  A great longing arises in you seeing that life is not all misery – that nirvana is possible". – Osho (The Company, Sacred Space, Times of India, January 24, 2011)
The librarians had arrived, are arriving and are going to arrive. Yes we need to look into the eyes of those librarians who have arrived, past or present. The company of these great souls, great librarians creates in us a longing in us seeing that life is not all misery – that nirvana is possible.(Inspiration : Osho).
Librarianship is a noble profession

Money talked at ASBM on 22nd January 2011!!!

Snippets from ASBM National Management Seminar (BISFM):
Money Talks : January 22, 2011
1.        Dr.Biswajit Pattanayak (founder Director : ASBM),  "Business plan should be strong and substantial"
2.       Prof.Ashish Bhattacharya (Director IMI – Kolkata) , "Money talks if we want it to talk. Knowledge capital makes money talk. We need to manage greed"
3.       Amitabh Guha (Chairman South Indian Bank), "Unless we manage ourselves we will not be able to manage organizations / institutions. Commercial banks should either improve or perish. Money has to talk and it has to act."
4.       Soumya Ranjan Pattanayak (Editor – Sambad), "Money making was not honoured in India some time back. It was not a respectable job. It is neither critical nor a crime to make money. If really want to learn about management, we have to learn from ones mother."
Librarianship is a noble profession